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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Mixed Level on Sunday, June 20, 2010

To begin backbend week this month, we went back to the basics and practiced developing shoulder/neck clarity by focusing on the upper arm moving into the shoulder sockets and trapezius muscle releasing down and away from the neck.

Swastikasana: move upper arms back, shoulderblades and trapezius down, and bring shoulderblades forward (into the back body to open and lift the chest
Supta Tadasana: feet into the wall, start with knees bent, feel how trapezius gets trapped on the sticky mat and moves away from the neck as you straighten the legs
Supta Urdhva Hastasana: feet into the wall, start with knees bent, take arms over head, feel how trapezius gets trapped on the sticky mat and moves away from the neck as you straighten the legs
Adho Mukha Svanasana: thumb and index finger at wall, create same action with the trapezius as you felt on the floor; 2nd time, partner lifts trapezius up with first two fingers of each hand
Uttanasana: concave back, move shoulderblades into the back-body, move trapezius away from the neck
Tadasana: with block between thighs, roll inner thighs back, descend buttock away from lumbar without moving inner thighs or block forward

For all of the following arm positions: keep the leg and buttock actions of Tadasana, move upper arms back into the shoulder sockets, bring trapezius down and away from the neck, bring shoulderblades down and into the back-body to open the chest
Urdhva Hastasana
Urdhva Baddhanguliasana
Paschima Baddhanguliasana
Ardha Paschima Baddha Hastasana
Gomukhasana (arms only)
Paschima Namaskarasana
Adho Mukha Svanasana

Salabhasana:  arm action only (legs stay on floor), back of hands on blocks, keeping chest down, press hands down to lift upper arms up, stretch hands back toward feet to move shoulderblades and trapezius away from the neck,
Salabhasana: arm action only (legs stay on floor), hands thru belt loop, slightly wider than shoulder width, keep chest down, press sideways into belt, lift outer upper arms, stretch back thru hands to move shoulderblades and trapezius away from the neck
Salabhasana: classic pose
Bharadvajasana I: first time no clasp, second time classic arm position, move upper arms back and trapezius down and away from neck, bring shoulderblades into the back-body to lift the chest

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