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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Beginner Class on Monday, June 21, 2010

We worked on keeping the length of the front body by moving the front ribs away from the abdomen and towards the chest and lifting the chest by bringing the upper arms into the shoulder sockets, moving the trapezius away from the neck, and bringing the shoulderblades into the back body. Enjoy!

Swastikasana (invocation)
Adho Mukha Swastikasana: with rolled blanket in hip creases, lift bottom front floating ribs up and over rolled blanket, extend trunk and arms forward, move floating ribs forward away from blanket roll and toward the chest (the blanket roll should help prevent the ribs from moving backwards toward the abdomen)
Adho Mukha Vajrasana: (knees and feet together) with blanket roll (same as above)
Adho Mukha Virasana: big toes together, knees apart, no blanket roll but same actions
Adho Mukha Svanasana
Uttanasana (concave spine): pull floor toward you to extend the sides of the trunk more, bring arms into shoulder sockets and move shoulderblades into back-body to open and move chest forward
Urdhva Hastasana: stretch up thru front of arms and pull down thru back of arms so trapezius moves away from the neck and draw the shoulderblades down and into the body to open the chest
Urdhva Baddhanguliasana: stretch up thru front of arms and pull down thru back of arms so trapezius moves away from the neck and draw the shoulderblades down and into the body to open the chest
Ardha Paschima Baddha Hastasana: hold one arm behind the back with the opposite hand, just above the elbow, roll your outer upper arms back and move the shoulderblades down to open the chest
Gomukhasana (arms only): move both upper arms back and draw shoulderblades down to open the chest
Chatushpadasana: press heels down to lift thighs and bottom of buttocks up; press outer upper arms down to lift shoulderblades up and lift shoulderblades up more to lift chest up
Uttanasana (concave spine): move shoulderblades into back-body like in Chatushpadasana to open chest more
Padangusthasana (concave spine): pull on toes to bring arms into shoulder sockets, move shoulderblades toward waist and into the back-body to open chest forward
Prasarita Padottanasana: hands on hips, come over half way maintaining concave spine, sneak hands to blocks (or floor) without disturbing trunk, pull blocks back toward you to move upper arms, trapezius, and shoulderblades toward your waist to open and bring chest forward
Salabhasana: arm action only, roll outer upper arms toward ceiling and stretch hands back toward feet to open chest
Bharadvajasana I: roll upper arms back and bring shoulderblades down and into back-body to open chest
Dandasana, Urdhva Hasta and Urdhva Mukha phases: press thighs and hands down to lift trunk, extend arms up without diminishing the lift of the trunk, hold belt around feet, pull belt to bring arms into shoulder sockets, bring shoulderblades down and into back-body to open chest

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