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Sunday, August 29, 2010

Mixed Level on Sunday, August 29, 2010

Today's class focused on seated poses and opening the joints of the feet and ankles. Enjoy!

Swastikasana - maintain even lift of the front and back of pelvis as you extend up through the sides of the trunk

Adho Mukha Virasana - keep heels on buttocks as you extend the trunk forward

Adho Mukha Svanasana - reach down through the outer heels and back through the inner heels as you take your thighs back to lengthen the trunk

Uttanasana - feet mat's-width apart, concave spine, then head down


Virasana - keep shins facing straight down, draw outer ankles in as you sit between your feet on the floor or support, observe sensations in feet, ankles, knees, hips, and low back

Supta Virasana - from Virasana, extend trunk back, lengthen buttocks away from low back, observe sensations in feet, ankles, knees, hips, and low back

Vajrasana - sit on the heels with the knees and feet together
  1. Belt around ankles with toes pointed straight back
  2. Belt around ankles with toes tucked under
  3. Feet crossed, top of one foot in the arch of opposite foot
  4. Belt around ankles with toes pointed straight back, toes on rolled blanket
Virasana - observe sensations in feet, ankles, knees, hips, and low back and compare to previous attempt of the pose

Supta Virasana - observe sensations in feet, ankles, knees, hips, and low back and compare to previous attempt of the pose

Lolasana - from hands and knees, cross top of one shin just above calf of opposite leg, keep both feet pointing straight back as you sit on your heels, place hands next to mid-thighs and press hands down as you round your shoulders, low back, and raise your kness to your chest and heels to your buttocks

Gomukhasana - from hands and knees, cross one knee completely behind and to the outside of opposite knee; keep feet pointing directly back as you sit on your heels, lowering hips evenly down; add support under buttocks if necessary and then complete the pose by performing Gomukhasana arms

Baddha Konasana - roll shins forward and down toward the floor

Mulabandhasana - join big- and little- toe ball joints, slide hips down wall to sit on block, with hands move heels forward as the knees widen, lower block as you are able 




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