Another fun class this week focusing on forward extensions!
Adho Mukha Virasana - outer ankles in, stretch back thru inner edge of the foot and big toe, release inner thighs and groins down, extend front body forward and bring back body in
Adho Mukha Svanasana - broaden hamstrings and pin outer femurs in
Uttanasana - broaden hamstrings, press inner heels to bring outer femurs in, concave first, bring back body in, then maintaining concavity as much as possible lengthen trunk down
Padangusthasana - broaden hamstrings, press inner heels to bring outer femurs in, concave first, pull on big toes and plug upper arm into the shoulder socket, bring back body in, then maintaining concavity as much as possible lengthen trunk down
Padahastasana - broaden hamstrings, press inner heels to bring outer femurs in, concave first, pull up on bottoms of feet and plug upper arm into the shoulder socket, bring back body in, then maintaining concavity as much as possible lengthen trunk down
Parsvottanasna to Urdhva Prasarita Ekapadasana back to Parsvottanasana - broaden hamstrings, press front leg inner foot down to bring outer femur in, concave first, then walk hands forward as far as possible, take head down, marry trunk to thigh. Step into UPEP and pull trunk down, step back to Parsvottanasana
Adho Mukha Vrksasana - from Adho Mukha Svanasana, bring back body in, come up high on toes, maintain back body in as you walk in and kick up. Bring back body in, broaden hamstrings and lift tailbone and buttocks up thru the inner heels
Sirsasana at the wall - keep shoulders lifted, lift sternum toward abdomen, broaden hamstrings and lift tailbone and buttocks up thru the inner heels
Eka Pada Sirsasana - keep one heel on the wall, lower opposite leg halfway down keeping outer hip lifted
Padangustha Dandasana - manually broaden hamstrings away from each other and move calves forward. Press hamstrings down to lift trunk up, holding big toes, press inner edges of feet forward as you pull arms back into the shoulder socket to bring the backbody in
Paschimottanasana - from Padangustha Dandasana, bend the elbows to the side and lengthen trunk forward maintaining as much concavity as possible
Upavistha Konasana - press hamstrings down, move buttocks down, holding big toes, pull upper arms into shoulders sockets and bring back body in to lift your chest
Janu Sirsasana
Kurmasana - place shoulders under bent knees, press hands down and broaden the chest, press inner knees down and reach inner heels forward as you lengthen your trunk forward
Bharadvajasana I
Setu Bandha Sarvangasana on a brick
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